Thursday, September 27, 2018

Choice Art Directions and Steps

Choice Art Project

Use this worksheet and directions as a guide in planning your own artwork.  All work should be completed on separate paper.  You will be graded throughout the project on individual steps.  All steps in the provided plan must be completed and turned in at the end of the project to receive full credit for your finished artwork.  Make sure that you are using visual resources available in the classroom to complete quality, finished, products.

Step 1: Brainstorming
Divide a piece of paper into six.
Come up with three possible subject matter choices.
Create small, quick, sketches, of the subject matter.
Explain why you are interested in creating artwork of this subject matter with a Perfect Three Sentence Answer.

Step 2: Planning
Create a sketch of your finished product.  The sketch should be in color and display a clear understanding of what the finished product will look like.
Write an 8-sentence paragraph defining your plan using the provided format.
Include any images you plan on using during this process.

Step 3: Determine Success
Create a rubric to determine what your artwork will look like if you have been successful.
You must determine 5 areas that you will be evaluated on.
50 points of the final assignment will be determined by your rubric and 50 points will be determined based on the instructor’s overall evaluation.

Step 4: Create
You must use all time provided to you to work on your finished product.  Remember to be aware of your timeline and when your work needs to be completed.

Step 5:  Peer Review
You must have a peer review your work and provide feedback on the strengths and areas of growth in your work.
You must complete a peer review for a classmate.

Step 6:  Revise
Make any changes you would like to make based on your peer review.  You do not have to implement all suggested changes but you must consider the review.

Step 7:  Present
Introduce yourself.
Explain your subject matter and medium.
Explain what part of your work was the most successful and what you are the happiest with.

Step 8: Critique
Complete one question from each section of the critique packet using a Perfect 3 Sentence Answer.

Step 1

Step 1 Directions

Step 1 Presentation

Step 2

Plan Paragraph

Step 2 Directions

Step 2 Presentation

Step 3


Step 3 Directions

Step 3 Presentation

Step 4

Step 4 Directions

Step 4 Presentation

Step 5

Peer Review Format

Peer Review Directions

Peer Review Presentation

Step 6

Step 6 Directions

Step 6 Presentation

Step 7

Step 7 Directions

Step 7 Presentation

Step 8

Critique Questions

Step 8 Directions

Step 8 Presentation